MAT candidates who have accumulated 27 credits of course work are encouraged to register for their last three credits to begin work on their capstone project, a teaching portfolio. Students with only 24 credits may register concurrently during the academic year or during the summer for the last course needed to acquire 27 credits as well as for the portfolio project.

Following are some general guidelines for the MAT portfolio procedure, but candidates should be aware that each language department might have slightly different requirements.


STEP 1:  Selecting a Committee

Before registering for the Teaching Portfolio Project course, an MAT candidate should contact their departmental graduate director to discuss the following:

  • the number of credits the candidate has acquired to date;
  • the candidate's readiness to begin work on a teaching portfolio; and
  • appropriate choices for the candidate's two-person portfolio committee.

A candidate is responsible for selecting a committee director, and then, in consultation with this director, choosing the other committee member. This committee may be composed of either:

a) one professor (who serves as the committee director) within the candidate’s language department with whom the candidate has taken graduate courses AND one of the following pedagogy experts:

Douglass Crouse (French, Italian, Spanish) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Karen Sánchez (French, German, Italian, Spanish) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


b) two professors (one of whom serves as the committee director) within the candidate’s language department with whom the candidate has taken graduate courses.

Once the two-member committee has been selected, the candidate should submit their names via the following link:
Portfolio Committee Member Information Submission Form


STEP 2: Registering for the Teaching Portfolio Project Course

Once the committee selection and name submission steps are completed, a candidate who is ready to work on their teaching portfolio during the academic year or during the summer should register for the following course:

This course requires a special permission number, so email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for assistance with registration.

If additional time is needed to complete and present the portfolio, a candidate may, with committee approval, receive an extension.


STEP 3: Communication with a Committee

Once committee selection and registration for the portfolio project have been completed, the candidate should arrange the exchange of portfolio files with their committee. At that time, the committee should direct their candidate to the MAT Portfolio Development web page, which provides the essential instructions, forms, and other documents used to create a Portfolio.

Box cloud storage must be used for the exchange of portfolio files between the candidate and their committee. A free Rutgers Box account can be activated at the following link:

A Box folder will be created for the candidate and shared with the candidate and all committee members.This Box folder should be used for all Teaching Portfolio Project files shared between the candidate and their committee. For assistance with using Box, please feel free to reach out to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


STEP 4: Presenting a Portfolio - Pre and Post Procedures

Once a committee has approved a final version of the teaching portfolio, the candidate is required to make a presentation of their project, which usually lasts approximately one hour.

Once the presentation has been scheduled with the committee, the candidate should submit the presentation´s date, time, and location via the following link:
Portfolio Final Presentation Information Submission Form

The candidate should coordinate closely with their committee and their department´s Administrative Assistant to be sure all required MAT forms are completed prior to the presentation of the portfolio, and that the necessary forms are available at the presentation for committee members to sign. The candidate should verify who is responsible for returning completed MAT forms to the language department so that they can be submitted in a timely manner to the Graduate School for processing.