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lighthouseThanks for your interest in the Language Bank. We appreciate your willingness to put your language skills to use in service of the community.

In order to participate, you will first need to enroll in the Language Bank program. This will allow us to match you with the appropriate requests depending on your working languages, expertise, and availability, as well as to track your work and offer you academic credit if you are a Rutgers student.

If you want to volunteer as a translator, interpreter, or reviewer (only Faculty members can be reviewers), please follow these steps:

1. Go to Create Account in the upper menu and create an account in our Language Bank system. Select Rutgers student or Faculty/Staff.

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2. If you are a Rutgers student, you will need to provide your graduation year, your NetID and RUID:

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3. If you are a Faculty member, you will need to provide your Department and NedID.

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4. Once the account is created, Log In as a Rutgers member. You will be redirected to the Single Sign On Rutgers page

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5. The first time you log in, you will need to enroll in the Language Bank program. Go to the menu Sign Up and select Translation and Interpreting Services. Here you will need to select your working languages, the services you offer (translation, interpreting or revision -only for Faculty) and the specialization. You can add as many language pairs, specializations and services as you need to. Once you are done, click on Submit.

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6. After this step, you will be admitted in the Language Bank as a Trainee. The Language Bank Manager (LBM) will review your account before upgrading you as a volunteer. The LBM might request that you take a test or do some specific training. The whole process might take up to 48 hours.

7. Once logged in, enrolled, and upgraded as a volunteer, you will be able to access the dashboard to check active and completed tasks, accept new tasks, submit translations or revisions, etc.

8. For detailed instructions on other functionalities of the Language Bank, please refer to our Canvas site.

Self-Assessment for Volunteers – Is this right for me? If you want to assess your skills before enrolling in the Language Bank, please check our Resources page to help you evaluate and improve your language ability.